Anchored in Faith, Your Soul...Our Mission
Ashley Code wanted to serve others and to be the face of Jesus. Inspired by her generosity and love of Jesus and with the support of the Code family, St. Ann Men’s Club began the Ashley Code Pay it Forward Memorial Golf Tournament to raise money to support active St. Ann Parishioners and their families who are facing financial hardship due to debilitating illness. The Ashley Code Fund was created from the proceeds of the golf tournament. A portion of this fund is set up to provide financial assistance for those within St. Ann Parish community who have a financial need due to serious medical needs. Any St. Ann parishioner who is facing a debilitating illness should fill out the Assistance Application Form, which can be obtained on the St. Ann website under the Ashley Code Golf Tournament link within the Men’s Club tab or pick up a form from the church office.
Stacey Meehan and Ani roy and their families were given a gift today. Stacey, a parishioner, is battling cancer, and Dani, an assistant in one of the St. Ann School PK2 classrooms, has been on dialysis for a year and is in need of a kidney. As we prepare for the celebration of Jesus' birth, please keep both of them in your prayers. A special thank you to the Code family for being the Face of Jesus, and thank you to all those who support the Ashley Code "Pay it Forward" Memorial Golf Tournament. Your generosity makes it possible to support Stacey and Dani and others in our parish family.