Anchored in Faith, Your Soul...Our Mission
"The Descent of the Holy Spirit"
St. Ann Church Stained GlassConfirmation at St. Ann Church is celebrated during the eleventh or twelfth grade year. If this sacrament has not been completed through the senior year of high school, the person has the option of either receiving in the parish of residence along with the high school class or at the Cathedral with other Catholic adults being Confirmed. Adolescent Confirmation is generally received in the Spring at St. Ann Church. Typically, adult Confirmation is celebrated at the cathedral on Pentecost Sunday. Requirements for Confirmation are based upon the concept of integrating the Confirmand into the faith life of the parish at St. Ann Church. At minimum, the candidate must have a desire to receive the sacrament and be prepared to worthily receive the sacrament. The archdiocese has prepared a uniform set of guidelines that parishes are asked to conform to and the link for that is below. The program at St. Ann includes class meetings, Confirmation retreat, service opportunities, and other requirements designed to unfold the faith life experience of the adult Catholic at St. Ann church.
To inquire as to Confirmation you may call the church office at (504) 455-7071, ext. 2225 or by email at [email protected] .