Anchored in Faith, Your Soul...Our Mission
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B
Entrance: Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior - GATH #658
*Gloria: Mass of Angels and Saints - GATH #286
Responsorial Psalms: Lectionary Psalms - The Abbey Psalms and Canticles - Pg 186
Gospel Acclamation: Mass of Angels and Saints - GATH #287
Offertory: O God, Beyond All Praising - GATH #674 (vs 1 & 3)
Holy Holy: Mass of Angels and Saints - GATH #291
MoF: Mass of Angels and Saints - GATH #293 (We Proclaim Your Death....)
Amen: Mass of Angels and Saints - GATH #298
Lamb of God: Mass of Angels and Saints - GATH #299
Communion: How Great Thou Art - GATH #630
Closing: Let All Things Now Living - GATH #692