Entrance: From Ashes to the Living Font - GATH #529 Responsorial Psalm: GIA - BLUE Lectionary Psalms Book (Revised Grail Psalms) - Michael Guimont - Pg. 36 Gospel Acclamation: Respond and Acclaim - Pg 51 *Offertory: Christ in Me Arise - GATH #834/S&S #278 Sanctus: from “Kyriale Romanum XVIII - ‘In Feriis Adventus et Quadragefimæ”’ - GATH #349 MoF: ‘We proclaim Your death, O Lord…’ from “Kyriale Romanum XVIII - ‘In Feriis Adventus et Quadragefimæ”’ - GATH #212 (IN ENGLISH) Amen: Ordinary chant (simple tone) - GATH #215 Agnus Dei: from “Kyriale Romanum XVIII - ‘In Feriis Adventus et Quadragefimæ”’ - GATH #356 Communion: Christ Be Our Light/Cristo, la Luz - GATH #652 *Communion 2: O God, Who Gives Us Life & Breath - GATH #747 Recessional: Lord, Who Throughout These 40 Days - GATH #518