Anchored in Faith, Your Soul...Our Mission
Easter Vigil - Cycle A/B/C - (April 19, 2025)
Call time 7:00pm - MASS FOR 8:00PM
Procession of Paschal Candle: The light of Christ - Thanks be to God: chanted (3x’s)
Psalms following each reading of the night:
Genesis 1:1 -2:2 - The creation story
Spirit Wind - GATH #473 (Sung in between each “day”)
Genesis 22:1-18 - God tested Abraham's willingness to offer his son
“You are my inheritance…” from the ‘Respond and Acclaim’
Exodus 14:15 - 15:1 - Moses parting the Red Sea so the people can escape from Egypt
The entire reading will be sung by Eric with the choir and congregation singing the responses.
This sung reading will ALSO take the place of the psalm so NO additional psalm will be sung after this sung reading.
Isaiah 55:1-11 - Come to the water, you who are thirsty / I will make an everlasting covenant
“I will praise You, Lord…” from the ‘Respond and Acclaim’
Gloria: Mass of St. Ann - S&S #40
Opening prayer/Collect
Triple Alleluia: (3 keys)
Gospel Acclamation: Festival Alleluia
Before Baptism: Litany of the Saints
Lowing of the Easter Candle into the water: Simple Chant “Alleluia”
A prayer will be recited
Post Baptism Prayer: Festival Alleluia (sung like post-gospel reading)
Baptisimal Promises by Candidates
Following Baptism: Post-Baptism Antiphon (sheet - chanted)
After Confirmation and Before the Liturgy of the Eucharist: Coda of the “Festival Alleluia”
Renewal of Baptisimal Promises
Sprinkling: When We Have Died to Ourselves in Jesus
Offertory: O Sons and Daughters - GATH #566
Holy Holy: Mass of St. Ann - S&S #
MoF: Mass of Ann - S&S # Memorial Acclamation B (When we eat this bread....)
Amen: Mass of Ann - S&S #
Lamb of God: Mass of Ann - S&S #
I Know That My Redeemer Lives - GATH #561
At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing - GATH #560
Thine is the Glory (Eric) - if needed
Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today - GATH #556
Postludes: Te Deum (Brass & Strings)
Ode To Joy (Strings)